Monday, 25 January 2016

new beginnings

Wow, where to start!! In the fall of 2013 we sold our little starter home and set out on a new 'road' that we had no idea where it would bring us. Since the day we met we knew we wanted to pursue the dream of owning acreage and sustaining ourselves as much as possible. Why it was the fall of 2013 we decided to take this big step into the unknown, only providence can explain.
We moved into a one room cabin on the Smits farm were Peter (my hubby) worked. That in itself was an experience with three little children and one wood stove!!! But we will always be grateful for those cozy months of close family togetherness, while we wrapped our heads around the crazy situation we had put ourselves in. We spent many hours by the fire crunching numbers and putting ideas on paper only to discover we might just be in over our heads.
It was during that summer while living in the cabin that we grew almost an acre of all different kinds of vegetables, and fell in love with this back-breaking, yet very rewarding experience. We also added to our crew a couple milk goats, baby goats, a little calf and some chickens.
We were up before the sun and went to bed after the sun did, but through this summer we found our real passion and calling for our life together.
First Peter would milk the cows, (since that is his job) while i would get up, milk the goats and feed the other animals. After getting the children up we spent our days in the vegetable patch seeding, hoeing, picking, and selling our produce. Only to finish the day with milking, feeding, cleaning up and getting ready for the next day.
So when a older lady that lived just a few houses down from the farm approached us to see if we would like to buy her place privately we jumped through the roof at this oppurtunity. We knew we were going to take a giant risk with our young family to prove to farm credit canada that we were worthy of the oppurtunity they had give us.
After much research it was decided upon to grow oragnic asparagus as our main crop, and to continue on in the lifestlye we had started. We also felt in our hearts to open up our place to the community and to document about our journey to raise awareness of where our food comes from, how it grows and how thankful we should be for the wonderful blessings we can enjoy each day. So often we as humans underestimate the neccesity of teaching our next generation the importance of eating healthy and how we as a community can sustain ourselves.

So as we still have a steep learning curve ahead of us, we are super excited once again for a crazy busy summer of growing fruits and vegetables, raising eggs and chickens, raising our own beef and pork, and having our little road side stand open to the public, complete with fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, canned goods, breads, icecream cones and a petting zoo.

There is no greater legacy to leave our children, than the one they helped us create.

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